International Journal of Applied Science and Technology

ISSN 2221-0997 (Print), 2221-1004 (Online) 10.30845/ijast

Seed Genetic Purity Assessment of Maize Hybrid Using Microsatellite Markers (SSR)
Awaludin Hipi, Memen Surahman, Satriyas Ilyas, Giyanto

The development of hybrid varieties should be supported by the availability of high quality seeds. Genetic purity is one of the quality criteria required for successful seed production of maize hybrid. In producing hybrid seeds, it is frequently contaminated by crossed pollen from another variety or the occurrence of selfing. The objectives of this study were 1) to get microsatellite markers (SSR) specific for male and female parents, 2) to get a percentage of the genetic purity of maize hybrid seeds cv. Bima-3 and Bima-4. The experiments were conducted at field station at University Farm Cikabayan Bogor Agricultural University, and in the molecular laboratory at Indonesian Center for Agricultural Biotechnology and Genetic Resources Bogor, from April until December 2011. Maize hybrid varieties and their parental lines seed used in this research were obtained from Indonesian Cereal Research Institute (ICERI) Maros, South Sulawesi. Five SSR markers for parental lines were phi109275, phi96100, phi374118, phi328175, and phi072. The assessment of genetic purity of two hybrid varieties namely cv. Bima-3 and Bima-4, used specific markers from previous experiment. Fourty samples of individual plants from each maize hybrid variety were tested. From five markers tested, three markers namely phi96100, phi328175 and phi072 produced polymorphic bands and capable to distinguish parental line of two maize hybrids. Microsatellite marker phi96100 was specifically used for testing genetic purity of cv. Bima-4 and phi072 for cv. Bima-3. While phi328175 was specific marker for both maize hybrids. The genetic purity test of cv. Bima-3 and Bima-4 indicated that both varieties had purity levels of 97.5% and 80%, respectivelly. This study showed that SSR markers were more reliable for assessing genetic purity as compared to morphological marker. The results of study are expected to be useful in the verification of genetic purity of maize hybrid seeds accuretly.

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